Logo history

With the group name being Bangtan Sonyeondan, the bulletproof vest was the perfect option. However, the logo itself is a bit clunky. While the designer tried to make the bulletproof vest accurate with plenty of details, it distracts from the rest of the logo. The lighting bolts on the sides are also a nice touch, but redundant as the firepower of the bulletproof vest speaks volumes. When showcasing the logo, BTS tends to be in white or silver, while the vest itself is black. On black backgrounds, the colors would reverse, with BTS being in black and the vest in silver.


BTS 2013 logos

Unofficial logos


BTS 2016 wings unofficial logo
While the bulletproof vest remained the group’s official logo until 2017, between 2016 and 2017 BTS introduced a second logo for the group. The emblem looked completely different from the original. It comprised four circles, each with a different surface pattern. The inscription “Wings” appeared below, in black. If you’re familiar with the album cover art for Wings, BTS used that art as its logo for a majority of 2016.


BTS 2017 wings unofficial logo

The four circles with patterns were replaced by four empty ellipses with blue trim. One side of each ellipse overlapped with the other ellipses and formed a flower-life design.

Neither were official logos though, so they were only used in promotion for Wings.

The current logo features two pairs of trapezoids, one atop the other. The trapezoids represent half-open doors from the inside and outside and look like mirror images of each other.

Meaning: “ARMY meeting BTS at the doors.” According to the group’s official Twitter account, the logo conveys “us and army becoming one together.”

2017 - now

BTS 2013 black logo

Logo animation

Logo theory

BTS and ARMY logo

BTS and ARMY logo combined into shield

BTS logo + ARMY logo, when combined looks like shield.

It's a bulletproof (BTS) shield (ARMY) that will protect BTS and ARMY. These 2 logos will forever be together. When these 2 separate, we can no longer protect each other. BigHit made a brilliant idea about our new identity.

BTS shield letter theory BTS logo combine into bulletproof vest

The BTS logo and the ARMY logo combine into bulletproof vest.